What do you feel like when you think about a sky?
What do you see when you look up to the sky?
What do you see when you look past the sky?
Why is the sky the sky?
The sky is infinite.
The sky is bliss.
The sky is not up there, it is right here.
Where does the sky end and start?
From the top of the stop sign?
The billboard?
The roof?
The sky is right in front of us, is it not?
Is the sky really above us?
How far up?
Reach for the sky.
The flowers aim for the sky.
We grow up to the sky.
Without the sky, Eagles would not fly.
How beautiful to feel my wings open as I fly in the sky
The sky up high
Can I bring the sky down here?
Isn't it already here?
Eagles fly next to me-
What would that look like?
Would the clouds be roaming the streets?
Wait a minute, isn't that fog?
I am flying on my block.
My feathers are my imagination.
I magic nation
I have my eaglenation
I have my 88 Eagles
that take me higher than if I was alone
The sky isn't really up there.
It is right here
Look around
You can touch it
It is the very air you breathe.
As above
So below
The wind beneath your wings raises you higher into your sky
so you can land on your feet
in this one.
I pen down the words unconditionally as I receive in love and awareness.
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