88 Eagles NUMBER 20 Edelwise

 As you see she's
sitting on the
I believe she's high up in the
mountain sitting and
her wings are open.

She's getting ready
to take flight.

feel she has wings 
to fly because, that's what Eagles
do, they fly.
It just brings me to
 "Well, what do with my 

We have our own Wings!

have our own wings and
it'd be silly for us not to
use our gifts.

You know God is
expressing himself through us!

We're God's children.
why they say- "God's children."

We are
always the inner child That Never Dies.

We're just experimenting in this life to
be the realizer of who we are.

discoveries are what we prefer and what
we don't prefer.

 I see Edelwise here
flying !
She's using her wings
getting ready to jump off the top of the  mountain.

my imagination thinking that she's up
really high on the mountain and she's
just getting ready to step off that tree!

She's honing it!
She's honing
into what she has!

 Could you imagine if
she just sat there and didn't open up
her wings and
fly ?
That'd be
The freedom of just
pushing  off the 
the branch and just soaring through the
air .
Really honing that feeling of
soaring through the air and just feeling!

Wow this is euphoric!
feeling the wind!
 I'm feeling the air!
I'm feeling my wings just move!
It's like
there's nothing else like that!
honing who she is!

 I feel what she's showing me
and telling me right now is,
"Man, open
wings because the universe supports that!

She has the air , the wind .
If there wasn't
any wind around she wouldn't be able to
She's supported !
She is 100%
supported because she has a wind beneath
her wings to support her.
She's not
afraid of flying and opening up her
wings because she has support at the right time.

 It's all connected.
It's a unified
 You just have to have the faith to
know that once you open up your
wings and express your yourself,
 you will
be supported because the universe is

It's asking you to open
up your wings!

You're built to open up

So this is Edelwise message .
open up your wings and fly and don't
worry about anything.

Have faith because
you were designed to fly!
You were
designed for these gifts because these gifts that you
 are yours to express!

so that's her

Look at her she's
beautiful and so are you!

 So today if you
feel a bit nervous about expressing
yourself or being true to yourself think
of Edelwise and just open your wings and
fly !

If it feels good
it's God.
 If it feels good in you,
God expressing himself through you!

If it feels good,
Have the courage to
just be yourself .
There's no one else
like you!
There's many Eagles but there's
only one

All the eagles they do fly, but
there's only one that flies like Edelwise
and there's only one that flies like you!

We're all authentic!
 We all have our own
different personalities,
 our own gifts!
But we have to open up our wings
otherwise we would never know what they
they are.
We would never know what they
are so have the courage and the faith to
be true to yourself and listen to your
inner child
that speaking to you!

Use your gifts and fly!

I pen down the words unconditionally as I receive in love and awareness.  

