Here I have a list of 28 of the 88 Eagles.
The total of Eagles that have shared with me their wisdom.
The remaining 60 are here to share with me when they feel I am ready.
This blog at the time of this post I have posted up to the 8th day and am currently updating.
All of these post from each Eagle is first penned down and then typed into this blog.
- 1 B.A.B.E. - B eautiful A ngel B eautiful E agle
- 2 Sarah
- 3 Scott
- 4 Sam
- 5 Stella
- 6 Roger
- 7Alexander
- 8 Alice
- 9 Carol
- 10 Crystal
- 11 Flowrence
- 12 Sky
- 13 Victoria
- 14 Star
- 15 Rose
- 16 Pauletta
- 17 Sisalee
- 18 Eclipse
- 19 Poe tree
- 20 Edelwise
- 21 Hugo
- 22 Wayne
- 23 JF
- 24 Heather
- 25 Jack
- 26 Bear
- 27 Rebecca " Becky "
- 28 Samual
29-88 are incoming.
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